Math for HVACR 2e, Explore Textbook

Math for HVACR 2e, Explore Textbook

Author: Gary B. Xavier

This Explore Textbook is the first step in your review process, giving you early access to the contents of the book. The final version of the purchased product will include an interactive eBook with built-in study tools, text-to-speech, collaboration tools, and accessibility for all–available online or offline.

Math for HVACR provides a review of basic math within a framework of HVACR applications, helping students gain confidence and achieve success in math-based HVACR tasks. Serving as an excellent supplement in introductory HVACR and other mechanical trades courses, the text covers whole numbers, common fractions, decimal fractions, percentages, systems of measurement, electrical calculations, and algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric functions. The author's deep industry experience as an HVACR trainer is reflected in real-world examples, illustrations, and abundant exercises in every chapter, which provide relevance for aspiring technicians. Answers to odd-numbered practice problems are listed in the back of the text.

Table of Contents

Abbreviated Contents

Math for HVACR 2e, Explore Textbook