7 Engine Size and Performance
Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Engine Size Measurements; Force, Work, and
Power; Compression Ratio; Compression Pressure;
Rotation or Angle Measurement; Atmospheric
Pressure; Vacuum; Engine Torque; Engine Power;
Engine Horsepower Ratings; Engine Efficiency;
Society of Automotive Engineers
8 Engine Combustion and Fuels . . . . 163
Petroleum, Making Engine Fuels, Octane Ratings,
Increasing Octane with Alcohol, Gasoline
Combustion, Preignition, Detonation, Wild Knock,
Knock Sensing System, Factors Affecting
9 Short Block Construction . . . . . . . . 181
Cylinder Block Assembly, Cylinder Block
Construction, Crankshaft Construction, Connecting
Rod Construction, Piston Pin Construction, Piston
Construction, Piston Ring Construction, Engine
Bearing Construction, Select Fit Parts
10 Top End Construction . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Cylinder Head Construction, Valve Guides, Valve
Seats, Valve Construction, Valve Seal Construction,
Valve Spring Assembly Construction, Valve Train
Construction, Camshaft Construction, Valve Lifter
and Cam Follower Construction, Push Rod
Construction, Rocker Arm Construction, Valve and
Camshaft Covers, Engine Gasket Construction
11 Front End and Manifold
Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Camshaft Drive Mechanism Construction, Timing
Belt and Engine Front Cover, Vibration Damper
Construction, Intake Manifolds, Exhaust Manifold
Section 3 Engine Systems
12 Cooling System Operation and
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Cooling System Functions, Cooling Systems Types,
Operation of a Liquid-Cooled System, Cooling
System Troubleshooting and Service, Engine Fan
Service, Coolant Service, Cooling System Hose
Service, Cooling System Pressure Test, Radiator and
Pressure Cap Service, Water Pump Service,
Thermostat Service, Flushing a Cooling System
13 Lubrication System Operation and
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Lubrication System, Oil Pumps, Oil Pickup and
Screen, Oil Filters, Pressure-Relief Valve, Oil Pan
and Sump, Oil Galleries, Oil Cooler, Oil Level
Indicator, Oil Pressure Sending Unit,
Troubleshooting the Lubrication System, Engine Oil
and Filter Service, Oil Pump Service, Pressure-Relief
Valve Service, Oil Pan Service, Oil Pressure
Indicator and Gauge Service
14 Starting, Charging, and Ignition
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Starting System Principles, Starting System
Troubleshooting, Charging System Principles,
Charging System Troubleshooting, Ignition System
Principles, Ignition System Troubleshooting
15 Fuel and Emission Control
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Fuel System, Fuel Metering System, Emission
Control System
16 Turbocharging and Supercharging
Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Normal Aspiration, Turbocharging and
Supercharging, Engine Modifications, Turbocharger
Construction, Turbocharging System Service,
Supercharger Construction, Supercharger Service
Section 4 Engine Diagnosis
and Tune-Up
17 Engine Performance Problems . . . . 349
Locating Engine Performance Problems, Typical
Performance Problems
18 Engine Mechanical Problems . . . . . 361
Valve Train Problems, Timing Mechanism Problems,
Engine Gasket Problems, Cylinder Head Problems,
Cylinder Block Problems, Piston Problems,
Connecting Rod Problems, Crankshaft and Bearing
Problems, Intake and Exhaust Manifold Problems,
Mechanical Problem Diagnosis
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